Split-Testing is using technology to give us useful information that will help guide performance improvements of your online presence.
Split-Testing is measuring the user’s engagement of your site or measuring their response rates to your ad and continually making improvements to ensure your using current insights to guide your outreach methods.
A multiple of items can be Split-Tested from colors to layouts and format to verbage and messaging. Small adaptations in any of these can make a big difference in the usage outcomes of your website or response rates of your advertising campaign.
Testing two live versions of a webpage or advertisement online in real-time is the essence of split-testing
Websites | Shopping cart products | Social media profiles | Blogs | YouTube channels
Content Management is combining the information with the presentation of your website for your user’s best experience.
Websites with content management systems enable you to make functional updates to your website with relative ease and efficiency.
This can potentially be an internal task for your webmaster into the future or this could be an easy task for you to manage yourself with some novice software training which can be provided.
Content is key and remains the most important ingredient in your marketing mix. You must have high-value content for your customers and users in order to increase your business results and increase your sales volumes.
Keeping your content current and fresh online and on other social platforms is always a wise investment in your brand. High value brand content will satisfy your existing clients while working for you 24/7 to earn you new ones.